Opening Sequence
An opening sequence in a horror film usually has a bloody title with a black background. They start the opening out with someone dying or running away from someone or something. The opening sequence in a horror movie starts off with a story and even a fairytale that becomes real. Meanwhile, a comedy opening sequence starts off with bubbly with a piece of joyful music playing in the background. The sequence starts off with someone doing something stupid it makes you want to laugh. Either someone is falling or someone is saying something funny but comedy opening sequences are very stereotypical. The opening sequence of comedy tells you everything you need to know about the film and how it's going to be like. Comedy and Horror will have different genres, one has to do with scaring people the other has to do with making people laugh, their total opposites. Even though they have many differences they are able to come together and make a good film. An opening sequence will reveal the story's tone or meaning because it trying to bring an audience and usually the viewers will base it off if they want to see the movie or not based on the opening sequence. The producer will try their best to make a fantastic opening sequence to match their genre and try to sway the viewer's mind in the right direction. That's probably one of the main things that producers focus on. The opening sequence will make or break a movie.